Jul 29, 2016 | Blog, Business Debt, Debt Collection, Declaring Bankruptcy, Financial Problems, General Bankruptcy
Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. But both men and women generally feel bad about carrying debt and not being able to pay it. Most of us are brought up to pay our debts. Our religious or moral code may reinforce this. Above all, people feel embarrassed if...
Jun 25, 2016 | Blog, Credit & Credit Scores, Debt Collection
I have represented thousands of people with too much credit card debt. The reasons for the debt can vary greatly, from unplanned medical bills, to an abrupt loss of employment, to gambling problems. Regardless of the reasons for the debt, there are various signs...
Feb 24, 2016 | Blog, Children & Heirs, Debt Collection
The biggest mistake people make when lending money to family or friends is a failure to plan. They fail to consider the likely outcomes if the loan is not repaid as promised. Not being paid by anyone makes us angry. Not being paid by someone with whom we have a...